Friday, March 06, 2009

Connection Series: Artist's Statement

During this year, I made series of paintings addressing the lack of sensory experience in internet communication, and how this lack applies to human relationships which occur in this fragmented, hyper-visual realm.

I began my process by taking pictures of a computer screen while it streamed webcam conversations between me and my husband. The photographs I selected to paint were partly those that I took of my husband, and partly those that he took of me. By combining them, I felt that the project approached a collaborative effort on our part, as well as an attempt to show each other what it is that we see, and how we experience each other while we are apart. There is so much that is frightening, beautiful, ugly and foreign to us as we see our conversation imperfectly translated into a distorted digital language-one that has no literal equivalent to touch, smell, taste, or satisfaction. One that highlights absence.

Translating all of these observations into paint allowed me to put some aspect of what I saw back into them. I feel that the paintings succeeded in conveying a sense of our longing, our horror, and our love.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Saturday, July 15, 2006

like a little lamb. Wish I had time to sleep!

I would never try to paint with earplugs.

I would never take photos at work.

Hi guys

How are things?

In case you were wondering what all the can-can girls are about, I've been working on some signs and drawings for the awsome local drama group the Gold Fever Follies. I've been getting by on veeeery little sleep, and it's Celgar by day and drawings by night. A portrait and collaborative mural project are up next!

As always, thanks a lot for checking my bolg out. I don't want it to sink. Please note that most displayed works are for sale, and that I have a few other drawings available.

I'll totally do a Max portrait when you come to Canadianna.

Love Jill

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Mess by my Sink